by S. F. DAN

In literature, we have often heard of the name "Pastoral poet".  If photography can be compared with literature, we can also have "Pastoral photographers". In this first section of Mr. Lo's masterpieces, we would like to introduce his pastoral scenes first.  No.1  shows the doorway of a typical Chinese village hut. The Chinese characters immediately suggest Oriental mood to overseas photographers.  If Nos. 3  and  may be grouped under "Photojournalism", they are done with pictorial techniques. No.6  is a typical Shatin morning shot. Shrimp-catchers, ducks or sampans against a misty background are no strangers to our distant friends, as thousands of pictures taken here by local shutter-bugs are continuously flooding the international salons.

Nos. 10  and  11  give us a feeling of tranquillity and calmness, "Like a painted ship upon a painted lake", if we may change Coleridge's words.

Nos. 16  and  17  are taken in the same district, but different taking angles and subjects give us two different pictures.
Some of these pictures were taken a decade ago. They have set good examples to our younger generations.

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